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The Magic of Reading Out Loud with One Reading Partner!

The Magic of Reading Out Loud with One Reading Partner!

When I joined Noble Goldman I heard, in one if my very first mastermind meetings, to read together about a topic is special and I instantly was attracted to the idea.

As life happened, in the very same mastermind session, was another free member at that time and I asked her if she is interested in reading out loud on a daily base and she replied also instantly: ”Yes, why not!”

What we did not know was that we might face a challenging short period to find a time, but when the finite decision is made, a solution will be coming up even when it is for most people out of sight.

Just looking at our schedules and time zones it seemed impossible to find an hour together, but through some meditation I opened the possibility to read at 5am if she would be willing to read at 12pm. Before I could suggest this she suggested to read at her 5am what would be my 10am. This would fit perfectly into the existing schedule and as she goes to bed at 9pm as I do, would be the only possible time.

When the Summer time change came it came to one dramatic shift which kept us up reading because the only possible place to shift without interference of appointments was her reading now at 4am and when I heard from her that this is great, I was thrilled about these meetings even more.

The reason I am sharing this with you is that this is the commitment it takes to make such things happen.  Otherwise there is just excuses. Every now and then we both go through major changes in our lives and that is ok. 

We have read ever since we met... every Monday to Saturday for 1 hour each day only with planned breaks or important reasons.

What I also learned later is that Bob Proctor has been reading the book “Think and Grow Rich” this way for decades what was interesting but not my initial reason to go for it.

We started with reading the book “Working with the Law” from Raymond Holiwell, which is an amazing way of  beginning to connect to the Universal Laws; to tune into NG and the topic of winning at the game of life, as it is much more about me accepting myself in my life and attracting the situations than outside circumstances hunting me. We read one chapter for an entire week which turns out to be reading each chapter 6 times before going to the next chapter.

After reading “Working with the Law” I could not wait to read finally “Think and Grow Rich”, and here was the next magic happening!

I usually skip the foreword and we thought about it... shall we read also the prefix as any chapter?

We decided 'yes' and I learned that essential information might be shared there which is about reading specifically this book and having a chance to get out of it what potentially lays within; and feel the appreciation for every moment of invested time or to really waste this time by being frustrated at the end by simply consuming this content what is having a different effect on our life.

We just finished the chapter 10 about “Power of the Master Mind” and I received in my vacation now the hardcover of the book, where I am reading now the chapter 12 “The Mystery of Sex Transmutation”.

I have never looked forward to receiving my copy of a book so much so I could start really working with the content by noting and marking topics for my attention.

What is so special to read out loud to a reading partner?

To know that I will read this book in exactly that manner and not differently what is

Clarity and Commitment!

To find someone who is as committed to something as you are is an amazing experience itself. You go online at a certain time each day and you know the other person is there! That is an amazing feeling and with this goes the conscious feeling of

Accountability – Respect – Love

It is a special feeling of deep gratitude which we express towards each other frequently by our presence and also verbally.

The act of saying thank you, to express the appreciation for the other one and to be appreciated for things I would usually take for granted and get angry when they are not there or explicitly expressed.

Here they are! Explicitly expressed.

I need to do it and best not when it is over but in the very moment when I experience it

For me to be aware that she is there and to know it is 4am.

Because of just this, since I met her I easily changed my habit of getting up at 5am to my longterm goal of 4am and it has certainly to do with being in a mastermind with an absolute likeminded person. It actually dragged me to get up at 4am which is amazing. To wake consistently at 5am was a 3 years process and 4am happened naturally without any effort.

That is actually the proof about what we were going to read in the chapter 10 “The Power of the Mastermind”:

“When we are together in the space of a mastermind, one´s thoughts becomes available to everyone in the same mastermind space and creates a new perspective!"

Isn´t that amazing? The only thing I need to do is to get into the same space with people doing or having what we want with the readiness to be in the awareness of the mastermind principals.

With having a reading partner reading in this quality I have a daily mastermind among all the other mastermind sessions I have and harvest the results by reaching my goals.

I just did it! Instantly when the thought was there!

That is what successful people do.

1 Comment
Posted on  19/07/2021 04:53 Thank you Wolfgang. I have just started reading Think ad Grow Rich for Women with Kali in this way and the power of our own mini mastermind is profound! Thak you affirming this and creating even more commitment for us.
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